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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Slimebag Ward Churchill: Plagiarist, Violent-Prone...and He Still Has His Cushy Job

"Ward" Churchill, phony Indian, phony professor of something, phony everything, is now accused of plagiarism...and other stuff:

Prof accused of plagiarism

University of Colorado officials investigating embattled professor Ward Churchill received documents this week purporting to show that he plagiarized another professor's work.

Officials at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia sent CU an internal 1997 report detailing allegations about an article Churchill wrote.

"The article . . . is, in the opinion of our legal counsel, plagiarism," Dalhousie spokesman Charles Crosby said in summarizing the report's findings.

But this is not the end of the story, as the CU dunderheads who hired this imbecile now contemplate what to do about a Marxist liar in their employe:

Regents balk at Churchill deal; Plagiarism allegation stalls buyout proposal

Settlement negotiations between the University of Colorado and professor Ward Churchill stalled Friday because of renewed opposition by groups that want to see him fired even if it takes a court fight to make him go away.

"The ball is in CU's court," said Churchill attorney David Lane, who confirmed negotiations have hit a wall.

Late Thursday, a settlement was all but done after lawyers for Churchill and the university agreed on financial terms. But when revelations arose Friday about a plagiarism complaint against Churchill, regents balked.

Churchill critics, including former state Senate President John Andrews, and private citizens across Colorado contacted some elected regents or went public Friday to express their displeasure with any negotiated settlement with the professor who demonized some 9/11 victims as Nazis.

This scumbag is waiting to be fired so he and his ACLU buddies can file a multi-million dollar suit against the college. That this lowlife is being paid to teach utter nonsense, and his bosses cringe about firing his lying butt, is what is so ridiculous about higher education in America. It is run by whacko liberals, and that needs to end, and now.

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