Saturday, March 19, 2005
The BBC, one of the so-called "journalistic triad of pro-terrorism thought" along with CNN and al-Jazeera, from time to time posts some interesting stuff - I have to admit. Even though they lard it down with such nonsensical liberal bias, nonetheless this story comes through loud and clear: the Iraqi people have had it with terrorists and their murdering ways, and are enjoying seeing these scumbags twist in the wind in a new reality program on Iraqi television:
Iraqi 'justice' by television
Looking cowed and frightened, a young man, identified by his full name and sitting directly in front of the camera, is being bullied and browbeaten by an interrogator who remains out of the picture.
"By what authority did you do these things?"
"Sir, they led us astray with their fatwas and offering us money."
"Do you realise that everything you did is perfidy?"
"Yes, sir."
"This Mullah Mahdi who gave you fatwas is a dog. He is scum. I'll get him within 72 hours and put him on TV, God willing."
"God willing, sir."
Ibrahim confesses to involvement in a series of attacks, and abducting and killing Iraqi policemen, national guards and others.
He says he was paid $100 (£52) per operation by his commander, or emir, who, he says, is homosexual.
Ouch! A gay terrorist? That appears to make even San Francisco nervous, or would it?
Anyway, this very interesting program on al-Iraqiya television is greeted warmly by the Iraqi people - but, as the BBC notes, invokes "unease among foreign observers who see it as an echo of the ousted Baathist regime's discredited practices."
I don't remember - did Saddam Hussein have a daily program on showing his brutality, or the hundreds of thousands of people who were raped and butchered?
I would only wish this show were exported to America. We could see thugs and criminals and assorted lowlives being questioned on camera before they are hauled away in the paddy wagon. Now THAT would be exciting television!