Wednesday, March 09, 2005
The New York Times has been one of the worst American newspapers when it comes to reporting the news - for the past decade, they have been either making it up or slanting it so far to the left that it resembles The Daily Worker, the house organ of the American Communist Party. But once in a blue moon stories arise out of the paper that show how clueless the left overall is:
For Bush, a Taste of Vindication in Mideast
WASHINGTON, March 8 - He has gone out of his way not to crow, or even to take direct credit. But not quite two years after he began the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, and not quite two months after a second Inaugural Address in which he spoke of "ending tyranny," President Bush seems entitled to claim as he did on Tuesday that a "thaw has begun" in the broader Middle East.
At the very least, Mr. Bush is feeling the glow of the recent flurry of impulses toward democracy in Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and even Egypt and Saudi Arabia, where events have put him on a bit of a roll and some of his sharpest critics on the defensive. It now seems just possible that Mr. Bush and aides like Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz were not wrong to argue that the "status quo of despotism cannot be ignored or appeased, kept in a box or cut off," as the president put it in a speech at the National Defense University here.
You know that when The Times begins to say this, other deeper, darker recesses of the Downtrodden Party and its willing participants are saying much the same thing. And that has to hurt real bad.