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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Muslim Scumbag Terrorist Taught in the United States

It is bad enough that this country allows Muslims more rights and freedoms to do us damage than anywhere else...but now we discover than one of these people who was involved in the suicide bombing of a Tel Aviv nightclub recently actually taught at a college in the United States - and I bet he didn't teach Hebrew and Yiddish Studies:

Head of Islamic Jihad Taught Middle East Studies at US University

The terrorist behind the Stage Club in Tel Aviv over a week ago taught Middle East Studies at a University in the US before he moved to Syria.

47-year-old Ramadan Shallah is the head of Islamic Jihad who was caught on tape ordering the attack by telephone from Damascus. A transcript of the call was given to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Shallah was a PhD student at Durham University, in England from 1985-1990, where he wrote his thesis on the merits of Islamic Banking.

Shallah then moved from Durham to the University of South Florida in Tampa, where he taught Middle Eastern studies and headed the World and Islam Studies Enterprise, a think tank affiliated with the university.

In 1995 he became the head of Islamic Jihad and is now wanted for murder by Israel.

This is what the Israeli people must deal with each and every day - murderers, thugs, and child killers. In short, the Palestinian people and their willing accomplices around the world, including the idiots who gave this scumbag a job at a college teaching American students.

Shameful. Simply shameful.

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