Saturday, March 12, 2005
The Democrats do love me! "Chappaquiddick Ted" Kennedy, famed in song and story for his ability to rape and kill women and get away with it, has sent me, Joobo, a darling little missive in which he tries to get me off my butt to give one whit about anything Downtroddens do...and while there is no link (this is an e-mail, for God's sake!), I have inserted some rich comments into the body (in bold):
Dear Friends,
The Senate Democrats are the only line of defense against George Bush's effort to pack our federal courts with reactionary right-wing judges who will roll back the fundamental constitutional rights that Americans in states across the country value the most in our free society.
[And the Downies are so good at not following the Constitution, either!]
Now, our very ability to block the confirmation of these ideological judges is in jeopardy.
[Yikes! Do you mean something will be done about Downie stonewalling? Wow!]
Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has arrogantly threatened repeatedly to rewrite the long-standing Senate rules and eliminate the filibuster rule, the basic procedure to prevent a narrow Senate majority from running roughshod over the rights of the Senate minority.
[Pure bullshit coming from the King of Bullshit. Frist wants to end non-stop filibusters when Downies use them only to block votes on judicial nominees, not end the filbuster. Tubalard Ted knows this but doesn't want his sheeple readers to.]
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) has launched a new petition against this extraordinary power grab. I urge you to add your support to this important campaign.
The Constitution clearly gives the Senate the power to establish its own rules, and those rules require at least 60 votes in the 100-member Senate to stop a filibuster and end debate. They also require 60 votes to change the rules.
[Thanks, Ted, for reminding us that the Constitution allows the Senate the power to establish its own rules. So if Frist does this, is it constitutional, as you just admitted, numbnuts.]
But Senate Republicans refuse to play by the rules. They claim they only need 50 votes to shut off a filibuster and they intend to force that rule change through the Senate if they possibly can. It's a shameful example of tyranny of the majority.
[Sorry, Tubby, but the Senate can MAKE their own rules. A majority can do this. You are no longer in the majority. So shut up and sit down if you can!]
In fact, this tactic would be such an unprecedented upheaval for the Senate that it is called "the nuclear option." It will obviously make it more difficult for Senate Democrats to block even the most extreme judicial nominees, including future nominees to the Supreme Court. It will give Senate Republicans a rubber stamp for any of President Bush's judicial nominees, no matter how extreme they are.
[Once again, Tubby lets you in on the truth: "will obviously make it more difficult for Senate Democrats to block even the most extreme judicial nominees..." This is because Downies are in the MINORITY in the US Senate. Get it? The MINORITY.]
That's why the DSCC started its new campaign against the nuclear option. I urge you to join with them today.
By signing on to the DSCC's campaign, you will be strengthening the only realistic line of defense we have in the Senate against Republican efforts to pack the courts with judges who threaten to turn back the clock on the basic rights of millions of our fellow Americans.
[Yup. Help the Downies continue to block things in the Senate. Help the Downies do nothing, and continue that plan.]
The vast majority of President Bush's judicial nominees have been confirmed by the Senate. Only a very few have been defeated by a filibuster. Apparently, losing just a small percentage of the time has so angered the Senate Republicans that they are willing to jettison two centuries of Senate history to advance their narrow ideological agenda. We can't let this happen.
[More crud from Tubby. "A very few"? How about 10, Tubby?]
Please join the DSCC today and tell the Republicans that you oppose the so-called "nuclear option." It's the most effective way for you to help Senate Democrats continue the fight to keep the most extreme judges off the federal courts. We know what's at stake and we're not willing to give up all of our hard-won advances of recent years.
[Perhaps if you win a MAJORITY of Senate seats, and even the Presidency, you, too, can name judicial nominees. But it looks like the American people like things just the way they are: Downies controlling nothing in D.C.]
The DSCC is also working hard every day to recruit the best candidates and build the best organization we need to win back our Democratic Majority in the Senate in 2006. But we can't wait until then to protect the federal courts. Stand with the DSCC today and help us stop this runaway Senate Republican Majority by joining this all-important campaign today.
Yours for our basic constitutional rights,
Ted Kennedy
We tried to ask someone who knew Tubby Kennedy well at one time, but she was unavailable for comment, having been murdered by Fatso.

Tubalard Kennedy murder victim Mary Jo Kopechne had no comment on Kennedy's plan to do nothing in the US Senate.