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Thursday, March 17, 2005

A Lovely Letter from John Kerry to Little Old Me

Like his fellow Downie "Chappaquiddick Ted" Kennedy this past week, fellow Massachusetts Senator and treasonous piece of shit John Kerry, whom, according to some (I don't believe it), was actually running for President of the United States last year, sent me a lovely letter. Downies are so fucked up in DC that when they lose a vote, they claim victory because - get this - a lot of leftwing losers signed a petition. Understand liberal logic? If you have a vote and lose, it is okay because we have a lot of people out there who care that we tried to win. And, according to Kerry, there are a grand total of 260,000 of these leftwinglosers - out of a country of 250 million+.

There's no link to this letter, but I had to post it here anyway. How lovely for Mr. Kerry to write to me of his incredible success in Washington!

Dear ______,

Yesterday, we saw a relentless Republican attack on one of our most treasured natural wonders sneak through the Senate on a 51 to 49 vote. But, we also saw more than 260,000 Americans act in less than 24 hours to add their names to our Citizens' Roll Call in favor of protecting the Arctic Refuge.

[Big fucking deal, Mr. Kerry. You lost the vote - who gives a rat's ass that 260,000 losers signed a petition?]

It was the first time ever that I or anyone else could stand on the Senate floor and announce that, in a day's time, a quarter of a million Americans had gone online to express their passionate support for a given course of action.

[But you LOST the vote, numbnuts! Isn't that what matters to you leftwing fools anymore?]

That awesome display of grassroots power rattled our opponents.

[Yup! They were so rattled that they passed drilling in ANWAR despite your big listing. That's what happens when you continually lose seats in Congress.]

They even railed against my e-mail message on the Senate floor and entered its text into the Senate record.

[And made you look like an utter fool, which you are. I read your laughable "petition" and signed it myself: with the name JOHNKERRYSUCKS. Howzat?]

So, think of it this way. The Republican leaders of the Senate have 51 reasons to celebrate today, but you and I have 260,000 reasons to do the same.

[Once again, twisted liberal logic. "Hell, we lost the vote, but we have a list of 260,000 fools in this country." That is called "liberal progress."]

If we keep working together - committed pro-environment Senators and a powerful grassroots movement all pulling in the same direction - we can still stop the plan for drilling in the Arctic from making it the rest of the way through Congress. And we can win the larger battle over two very different visions of America's energy future.

[Wait - do you mean you have the votes in the House to stop this? Really? And here I thought Republicans controlled that body. My bad.]

George W. Bush and the Washington Republicans have a plan to sell off our public lands to powerful special interests.

[And give cheaper energy to the American people - and stop us from continually being a hostage to the likes of thugs like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.]

As a result of their ruthless drive to undermine America's most beautiful natural treasures, the oil rigs are closer to the Arctic Refuge than they have ever been.

[Oooooooh....oil rigs are closer than they have ever been! Downies used these same scare tactics against all drilling anywhere, and up until now they used their votes to block any hope of getting to natural resources. But no more!]

But, the Bush administration's own scientists and economists admit that the Republicans' plan will not make us less dependent on foreign oil and will not lower prices at the pump. We have to put America's energy future in the hands of Americans - by inventing our way to real energy independence and having energy sources that create jobs and lower prices.

[I can see how the Downies are "inventing our way to real energy independence" - they had some leftwingimbeciles invent an electric car which doesn't operate like gas-driven cars. Keep up the good work, Downies!]

With your help, we will continue to wholeheartedly resist their special interest-funded partisan agenda.

[Senator Kerry: You need more than "the help" of people. You have only 45 seats in the Senate - which means you control shit. You need to win seats - and, with Sarbanes and Dayton retiring, it looks like that idea is dead for 2006 as well!]

And, if we act with the same energy and determination as we have on this critical Arctic Refuge vote, sooner than later, our power and commitment will carry the day. I know you will be with me every step of the way and I thank you for the passion and energy that you bring to our work together.


John Kerry

P.S. I told you that more than a quarter of a million people signed our Citizens' Roll Call in the first 24 hours after we launched it. Actually the news is even more impressive. As of this moment, there are over 400,000 signers to our Roll Call, including tens of thousands who signed after the vote to express their determination to keep fighting. Let's keep working.

So, John Kerry got 400,000 leftwing megalomorons to sign his silly petition - and it scared the Republicans in the Senate so much that they went out and passed the drilling for oil in ANWAR - just like they passed bankruptcy reform and tort reform without the votes of Downies.

The Downies in the Senate and House continue to delude themselves that they make any difference to the lives of the American people any more. All they do is say nothing, do nothing, and stand for nothing.

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