Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I'll explain that headline soon - but in the meantime, democracy and free speech are breaking out all over except in places liberals are in control, like Europe and Canada.
More than half a million people rallied for freedom in Lebanon yesterday, and Claudia Rossett (of the WSJ) covered it for the NY Sun. Check out some of the quotes she picked up, highlighted here in black:
Million Lebanese Stage Massive Retort to Terrorists
BEIRUT - Flags fluttering, horns honking, and fingers flashing V for victory, Lebanon's opposition converged on downtown Beirut yesterday in the biggest democratic protest in the history of the modern Middle East.
Their numbers - about a million strong - were a retort to the rival protests staged last week by the terrorist group Hezbollah, and a message to each other and the world that the Lebanese people are serious in their demands for - as the crowd chanted over and over - "Freedom, Sovereignty, Independence."
They want Syria's Baathist regime out of Lebanon. They want to know who plotted the bombing on February 14 that killed the former prime minister, Rafik Hariri, which most blame on Syria. And what they have already achieved is that after years under Syria's shadow, they have regained their dignity. The colors of the movement are those of the Lebanese flag, reflecting its red and white stripes and green cedar tree. And those colors are everywhere - in the red-and-white ribbons, scarves, and bandannas, on balloons, kites, banners, posters, and even the form-fitting clothing favored in this most Bohemian of Arab capitals.
What these protesters repeated in interview after interview, in a Martyr's Square so packed with people that it was, at times, almost impossible to move, is that they want war and repression to end. They want peace, work, and, most immediately, they want Lebanese democratic self-rule - not Syria's jackboot version of "stability." "We have children here," said housewife Goumana Fayad, who attended the demonstration with her two teenage sons. "We want them to be educated to live in peace."
Among the most promising aspects of this opposition movement is the extent to which it has brought together disparate factions, namely Christians, Sunni Muslims, and Druze. Previously, the democratic opposition was predominantly Christian. Hariri was a Sunni Muslim. His assassination has galvanized Lebanon's Sunni community, which made a strong showing at yesterday's demonstration, many with entire families in tow. From 18-year-old Sara Abou Abdo, wearing a silver headscarf, came the comment: "All Lebanon has to be free to take their decisions on their own, and all people should come to favor freedom."
Many of the demonstrators want the free world to keep a spotlight on Lebanon right now. That tack may be their best chance for keeping both Syria and the pro-Syrian, Iranian-funded Hezbollah at bay. Lebanon is currently the focus of intricate diplomatic maneuvers by both America and the United Nations aimed at pressing Syria to comply with last year's U.N. resolution 1559, which requires that all Syrian troops and security forces leave Lebanon and that the militias disarm, a clause that points straight to Hezbollah. So far, Syria has dragged its feet, and Hezbollah remains armed.
In recent weeks, both President Bush and Secretary of State Rice have often urged Syria's speedy departure and lent support to Lebanon's democratic protesters. That's a notable departure from U.S. policy over the past generation, which, under the banner of supporting the status quo, gave a nod to Syria's chokehold on Lebanon. It was not until 2003, as Mr. Bush prepared to overturn the Middle East apple cart by overthrowing Iraq's Saddam Hussein, that America began to describe Syria's presence in Lebanon as an "occupation." More recently, in keeping with Mr. Bush's post-September 11, 2001, doctrine of promoting democracy rather than simply "stability," so long favored in the Middle East, the White House has been telling Lebanon's democrats that America will keep its faith with them.
In Beirut yesterday, it was clear that message has been heard. Unlike the Hezbollah demonstrators with their chants of "Death to America," many in the crowd were friendly to Americans. "Thank's Free World," (sic) said one poster, held high by a woman in a bright red jacket, Rawya Okal, who told me: "We thank Mr. Bush for his position." Overhearing this in the throng, a middle-aged man in a green baseball cap, Louis Nahanna, leaned over to say, "We love the American people" - adding, "Please don't let Bush forget us. Your support is very important."
Asking more people what they thought of Americans turned up the same refrain. From a young driver, Fadi Mrad, came the message: "We want to change. We need freedom. Please don't let Bush forget us." From a group of young men came not only the message "Our hope is America," and "We believe in democracy in the Middle East," but also praise for Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. There was also an invitation from one of them, young Edgard Baradhy, for his heroine, Ms. Rice, to come to Beirut "and I am ready to take her for coffee."
At one point, two young men sitting on a sidewalk mistook this reporter for a Frenchwoman, and called out "Vive la France!" The European nation's president, Jacques Chirac, has also come out in support of the democratic movement. When I told them that I was American, they got to their feet and came over to say, "Welcome to Lebanon."
Incredible. And the Downtroddens in America keep asking why the world allegedly hates America. The world doesn't hate America - only fucked up liberals do.