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Monday, March 14, 2005

"Krazy" Mfume: He Wants Your Vote

If you live in Maryland, you have had to tolerate the incessant mumblings and rantings of Frizzell Gray, who changed his name - and his hairstyle to match - to "Kweisi Mfume," which means "I am a crazy motherfucker" in Swahili. He should have changed it to "Krazy" Mfume, because as a congressman or head of the NAALCP, the National Organization for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People, he has been an outspoken jerkoff. Now, as Senator Paul Sarbanes of Maryland announces that he will not run for re-election in 2006, Mfume says he will run for the open seat. Mfume almost has to, or the seat could go to the GOP like the governorship did.


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