Sunday, March 20, 2005
Howard Dean, noted fruitcake and current chair of the Downtrodden National Committee, told a group of fellow Downies in Toronto that Republicans are "brain dead" yet somehow failed to explain how his silly party was beaten in three straight elections by a party that is brain dead. One should then ask said Mr. Dead, er, Dean: "If the Republicans are brain dead, how come you keep losing to them?"
Spreading the message
"Keep it simple" is the key to the White House, failed Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean told members of his party from around the world last night.
One major reason his party lost the 2004 race to the "brain-dead" Republicans is that it has a "tendency to explain every issue in half an hour of detail," Dean told the semi-annual meeting of Democrats Abroad, which brought about 150 members from Canada and 30 other countries to the Toronto for two days.
"I'm going to be very disciplined about how we deliver messages. We can have policy deliberations in rooms like this. On TV, we have to be very focused."
The Democrats, in fact, will try to copy the Republicans, who are masters at making their message stick, he said. "The Democrats will have three things, maybe four, that we're going to talk about."
When Dean says he will "copy the Republicans," he means that they will start with trying to shut down the government like the GOP did in 1998. What happened at that time, you ask? Republicans losts seats in the 1998 midterm election, one of the few times the party in control of the White House won seats in the 6th year of a presidential administration.
That Howard Dean can raise money is undisputed. That he is a fucking idiot and a raving nutcase is also undisputed.