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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Good News From the Axis of Journalistic Evil: The BBC is Cutting 1,500 Jobs

I have said it before, and I say it again: the BBC of the United Kingdom is without a doubt one of the worst purveyors of anti-Semitic and anti-American drivel and swill in the world with the sole exception of al-Jazeera - and it ranks just below CNN in the United States, which propogates a pro-terror and pro-liberal bias for its rapidly decreasing viewership.

So when I hear that one of these three has serious financial trouble and must fire thugs employees who work for them, I can only raise my hands to the sky and shout with glee:

BBC 'will cut 1,500 extra jobs'

The BBC is to cut about 1,500 jobs in news and other programmes over three years, it has been claimed.
Complex plans were approved by the corporation's governors and later director general Mark Thompson met the three broadcasting unions.

In leaked details, a senior source said these cuts would be on top of those already planned. Unions have said they will fight the cuts.

The BBC has declined to comment before an official announcement on Monday.

BBC governors approved plans to make 15% budget savings in the meeting with management on Thursday to discuss Mr Thompson's plans for the corporation's future.

Now, here is the question I have regarding this wonderful story: why is the BCC announcing these layoffs by saying "it is claimed"? Doesn't the BBC know what the BBC is doing? Or didn't one arm of the BBC, the pro-terror, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, pro-Palestinian and anti-American news side, not talk to the chiefs in their ivory towers?

Whatever it means, this is definitely a sign of the BBC's increasing problems. May they fester and grow day by day.

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