Thursday, March 10, 2005
Are liberals full of compassion, or just full of shit? Whichever, these liberals do seem to have a problem with free speech - especially when other people use it. So it is not shocking when a liberalis dooficus Americanus, the dreaded "liberal American doofus," tries to attack someone because they sport a Bush-Cheney 2004 sticker on their car:
Bumper sticker evokes road rage
TAMPA - Politics has always been divisive, splitting families and turning friend against friend.
This week, though, a Tampa woman learned that simple Bush-Cheney bumper sticker can bring trouble, if not danger, from a total stranger.
Police say Michelle Fernandez, 35, was chased for miles Tuesday by an irate 31-year-old Tampa man who cursed at her as he held up an anti-Bush sign and tried to run her off the road.
His sign, about the size of a business letter, read:
Never Forget Bush's Illegal Oil War Murdered Thousands in Iraq.
"I guess this was a disgruntled Democrat," Tampa Police spokesman Joe Durkin said. "Maybe he has that sign with him so he's prepared any time he comes up against a Republican."
Police arrested Nathan Alan Winkler at his home on N Cleveland Street near Hyde Park within an hour of the incident.
The judge should sentence this asshole to 1,000 hours of community service - working for local Republicans by stuffing envelopes. Then he has to stand on a street corner at a major intersection with a huge sign saying, "I AM AN INTOLERANT LIBERAL ASSHOLE, AND I AM SORRY FOR THAT. PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR MY STUPIDITY."
Now THAT oughta teach this bonehead a thing or two.