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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Death of Liberalism in America: The Weekly Round-Up

It's time for more evidence that 1) Liberals hate America, and 2) liberalism is dying its natural and (Thank God!) expected death.

The dummies at DowntroddenUnderground (DU) post, without a doubt, some of the most insane and ridiculous nonsense ever posted by alleged adults. At least I think they are adults - most of them sound like a bunch of brain-damaged 12 years olds with nothing to do but fry ants and play with themselves. Now and then we post links to their utter hilarity and insanity...but this one takes the cake! First a boob posts that "the sun is setting on America," and then his or her fellow numbnuts and assclowns slap each other on the back with "Yeah!" and "How right you are!" and "You are right America is dying!" So if you want a good belly laugh, check out this shit from the fearsome liberals:

The Sun is setting on America

We are well into 2005 and you can almost see no problems with America... on the outside.

Talks of Secession from both sides. Liberals feel cheated (Justified) and Christian Fundamentalists feel Persecuted (Paranoid).

Sham Elections. Who maintains the machines our nation uses to vote? Republicans, and not only that one of the type of voting machines are really easy to hack into too. 18181

Extremists such as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have a louder voice in the Government than the common man. They are taking Greed and Bigotry and turning it into Moral Values.

Our nation's Infrastructure is crumbling. I live in the suburbs of Central Ohio and I can remember several times when the water was not safe to drink.

The media. There are no words to describe that twisted vortex of confusion that is dragging America down into Chaos. America, if we wish to salvage something, we have to reform the media.

The Sun is setting on the United States of America as our nation is in the Death throes of the end of Democracy. We aren't a Democracy, big Corporations, the Wealthy, and the Christian Right are the only ones who have a true voice in the government now.

What's going to happen in the coming months and years? I don't know, but Freedom is definitely on the March... away from America.

I can't even comment on these psychos. But do remember that they make up a good 70-80% of what is known as the Downtrodden Party in America.

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