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Friday, March 18, 2005

CNN: Poor, Poor "Ward" Churchill...Let's Feel Sorry for the Pro-Terrorist Lowlife!

As I have said before, CNN is part of the "triad of journalistic pro-terrorism evil" in the world - along with the BBC and al-Jazeera. Whenever terrorism is perpetrated anywhere in the world - particularly when it hits Americans and/or Israelis (or American Jews - now there's a "two-fer"!) - these three networks either show the reasons why this happened and why the poor terrorists are just misunderstood, or, in the case of the last two of the triad, actually demonstrate a bias towards and for the terrorists themselves.

So it is not at all surprising when Phony Indian and Marxist nutjob
"Ward" Churchill, outed as a slimy, filthy American hater and terrorist sympathizer, gets good press from CNN - which instead should be known as The Ted Turner Fake News Network in Last Place in the Ratings (TTFNNILPIR).

Check out this sickening bio on Churchill from our friends at Turnerwhackoville:

Embattled professor won't back down

BOULDER, Colorado (AP) -- Stacks of papers sit on a sun-drenched table in the home of University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill, some full of praise and others full of dark threats and unprintable insults.

In one message, liberal scholar Noam Chomsky calls Churchill's achievements of inestimable value, while an e-mail in another pile warns: "If you ever come to Florida, I will personally bash your (expletive) brains in."

This is Churchill's new life: Since January, he has been at the center of a firestorm over free speech for likening some September 11 victims to Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi architect of the Holocaust. The governors of two states have called for his ouster and two attorneys with a Denver radio show have spent weeks compiling data they say proves Churchill is a rotten professor at best, a seditionist at worst.

In a two-hour interview with The Associated Press, Churchill, 57, said he won't back down as the school investigates him to see if he can be fired. But he wearily acknowledged the uproar now dominates his life and makes it difficult to focus on his job as a tenured professor of ethnic studies.

"I'm struggling desperately to be able to deliver to my students what they signed up for," Churchill said, slumped in a chair and chain-smoking Pall Malls. "All of my time is devoted to responding to gratuitous (expletive). Every day there's a new idiocy."

"Ward" should know about "new idiocy" - he practices it every day.

Why this man is working at a university teaching mostly uneducated boneheads about politics and turning them into fellow leftwing nutjobs is beyond me. I would deport him, but to where?

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