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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Carville et al.: Democrats are "Stuck in Concrete"

The big story this past week is that Dem mass murderer-look alike James Carville, fresh from his "Kerry Done Blew It 2004" Campaign, is doing some polling for his group The Democracy Corps - and what he finds does not bode well for his side.

Some excerpts from their report (in PDF):

RE: SOCIAL SECURITY; A Time for Democratic Purpose and Renewal

This ought to be the Democrats’ moment, as the president’s Social Security proposal crashes against the wall of the public’s deep doubts. Support for the president’s proposal has fallen to 36 percent and perhaps even lower, depending on question wording. Worse for the president, 40 percent of voters strongly oppose his plan, rising to 63 percent among seniors. Congressional Democrats are now winning voters over 45 years
by 12 points, according to the NPR survey, after faltering badly among aging voters just 4 months earlier. But Bush’s plan is not that popular with younger voters who divide evenly on it.

So, we ask progressives to consider, why have the Republicans not crashed and burned? Why has the public not taken out their anger on the Congressional Republicans and the president? We think the answer lies with voters’ deeper feelings about the Democrats who appear to lack direction, conviction, values, advocacy or a larger public purpose..


But perhaps these judgements seem frozen because the Democrats just have not emerged as a serious alternative on security and safety, values, opportunity and prosperity,
or the national interest.


Democrats have hesitated to say there is a problem with Social Security, despite the fact that 63 percent of the country says the program is in crisis or faces a major problem. Only a lonely one in ten voters thinks we are fixing a problem that is a half century away. To say there is no problem, simply puts the Democrats out of the conversation for the great majority of the country that want political leaders to secure this very important government retirement program. Voters are looking for reform, change
and new ideas, but Democrats seem stuck in concrete.

Of course, Carville and his band of dimwits come up with every excuse why the Downies should continue their obstructionist ways - and they might believe that their own crap smells like lilacs. But if memory serves me well, in the 1990s the Republicans put a halt to any business on Capitol Hill to stop Clinton's plans, and the 1998 and 2000 elections nearly cost the GOP their control of Congress.

Downies blocking things is not new. Downies being warned quietly that that kind of shit won't work is.

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