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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Barbara Boxer Admits That 51 Votes Are Needed for Judicial Confirmations in the US Senate

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Dumbshit), perhaps one of the dumbest persons alive to sit in the US Senate, let slip the truth the other day when a group of moronic Downies (including KKK Master Bobby Tyrd of West Virginnie) went before a group of dummies and slathered all over their boots to appeal to the far far left of the Downtrodden Party. Now, to understand what Boxer said you have to examine what Downies have been saying as of late, including Tyrd: that the "Senate rules" allow a supermajority of 60 votes to confirm judicial nominees. Of course, those Senate rules can be changed - see the nice little letter I got from Senator "Floater Ted" Kennedy (D-Chappaquiddick Drowning and DUI Club) - but Tyrd, in his "Republicans are Nazis" speech said that if these rules were changed that it was Hitler-like and unconstitutional.

Well, this leads up to Boxer, who admitted that to keep that little 60 vote rule in effect, the Downies could use a constitutional amendment:

Why would we give lifetime appointments to people who earn up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely a great retirement system, and all the things all Americans wish for, with absolutely no check and balance except that one confirmation vote. So we're saying we think you ought to get nine votes over the 51 required. That isn't too much to ask for such a super important position. There ought to be a super vote. Don't you think so? It's the only check and balance on these people. They're in for life. They don't stand for election like we do, which is scary.

This is courtesy of, who captured the Boxer and Tyrd speech on C-SPAN.

What is hilarious here is that Downies want a constitutional amendment when they do not control the House or Senate, or any committee where such an amendment could be brought up for a vote.

Funny how when Downies controlled Congress they thought nothing about such things. Now that they are in the Incredible Shrinking Minority, this is their lead issue. Figures.

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