Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I always say that liberals tolerate buggery, perversion, and other forms of human disease and sickness. But until I read this small part of a story on International Sicko Michael Jackson, I didn't realize the depths of depravity that liberals were willing to tolerate:
Jackson to Call Stars in His Defense
Legal experts say prosecutors will look for jurors who are older, conservative, less taken with celebrity, willing to accept authority and appalled by child molestation.
Jackson's attorneys may look for more liberal jurors who have advanced degrees and are critical thinkers who question authority.
And now we know: liberals should be kicked off this jury, because they tolerate child molestation on top of the other abnormalities and human sicknesses they currently promote and encourage. And even Reuters, that liberal news agency, admits it.

"Boy, that little tyke over there is sexy! S-E-X-Y! I want to take him home with me and...! But I am a good person! I just love to sleep with little boys! What's so wrooooong about that?"