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Monday, February 14, 2005

NY GOP Leader: Dean is a Joke

The head of the NY Republican Party, Stephen Minarik, told reporters that the selection of Howard Dean to head the Downtrodden National Party was a laugh riot, and signals the growing end of the Downies to be a major force in American politics other than yelling "NO!" to any sound and reasonable proposal for reform, whatever it is:

New York GOP leader attacks Dean

New York's Republican state chairman said Monday that Howard Dean's election as Democratic national chairman shows the rival party's leaders "have refused to learn the lessons of the past two election cycles."

"Howard Dean is the personification of today's national Democratic Party - elite, radical, out-of-control, and sadly out-of-touch with ordinary Americans," said state GOP Chairman Stephen Minarik.

"The Democrats simply have refused to learn the lessons of the past two election cycles, and now they can be accurately called the party of Barbara Boxer, Lynne Stewart and Howard Dean," Minarik added.

Boxer is a liberal Democratic senator from California. Stewart is a New York City-based veteran civil rights lawyer convicted last week of helping terrorists by smuggling messages from one of her imprisoned clients, a radical Egyptian sheik, to his colleagues on the outside. Stewart has said her conviction will be appealed.

What makes this story extraordinarily hilarious is the response of Minarik's opposite number, NY Downie head Herman Munster Farrell:

"The New York Republican Party is in shambles," the state Democratic chairman said. "You are broke and fighting among yourselves. Governor (George) Pataki's popularity ratings have sunk to record lows. In the last decade, you have lost seats in both houses in Albany, both houses in Washington, statewide and in counties across the state.

You have to hand it to the Downies. Just as their party imitates the HMS Titanic and begins going down under the waves, the captain of their ship says, "Nothing wrong here. In fact, the Carpathia is taking on water and doesn't look that sound to us."

For those of you not in the know, the Carpathia was the ship that picked up 700+ of the Titanic's survivors after the Titanic had sunk.

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