Monday, February 21, 2005
You heard it right, folks...alleged "scholars" of Islam have discovered in the personal papers of Benjamin Franklin a "paper" or a "speech" allegedly delivered by Franklin to the Constitutional Convention in 1789 (considering that the convention was held in 1787, Franklin sure waited a long time to make the speech) in which "President Franklin" said that all Jews should be expelled from America because - get this - in 100 years (1887? 1889?) the Jews would own "palaces" and the Christians would be their slaves.
It is important to note that 1) Benjamin Franklin was NOT ever elected President of the United States; he died in 1790, during the first term of the FIRST President, George Washington; 2) as mentioned above, the Constitutional Convention was long over by 1789, when Franklin allegedly made this "speech"; and 3) there is no such "paper" or "speech" in Franklin's papers.
MEMRI - the Middle East Media Research Institute - which catalogs the foolish and misguided rants of Muslim fanatics in the US and around the world, not to mention their insipid desire to find Jewish control over every aspect of people's lives, clocked these psychos with a wonderful it and laugh, or cry, when you realize how delusional these sickos truly are:
Kuwaiti Daily and Al-Manar TV Recycle Forged Nazi Document: America Has Become Hostage to the Jews, as Benjamin Franklin Predicted
On January 16, 2005, Muhammad Yousef Al-Malifi wrote an article in Al-Siyassa which raised the Franklin forgery. The following are excerpts:
"My article today is not like other articles… Today, I will present to the readers what is hidden from them, but not from the political and intellectual elite.
"The document I will present today was written by a former American president [sic]. This document spares us the writing of 1,000 articles about the danger in America's falling into the hands of Israel, its enslavement to Tel Aviv, and what this fall will do to the American people.
"This document is over 212 years old, and it warns of the danger posed by the Jews to America. The original copy of this strategic document has been in the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia for the past 214 years. The document was written by Benjamin Franklin when he served as the U.S. president some two centuries ago.
"When I present to the readers this serious document, which was first translated by 'Araf Al-Baytam (obviously a complete moron...ed.), I will prove that fools have begun to rule America – after it was ruled by wise men as this late president [Franklin].
"The text reads: 'The U.S. is in great danger, and this danger is the Jews. Gentlemen, everywhere Jews are and everywhere they settle, they [bring down] the moral level, harm moral decency, and act to oppress. They always aspire to suffocate the nation financially and to obtain wealth for themselves, as happened in Portugal and Spain over 1,700 years ago… Yet if the civilized world today would return Palestine to them, to which they claim to have a right, they [the Jews] would find many reasons not to go back there. Why? Because the Jews are bloodsuckers, extortionists, and people whose nature this is, and who are incapable of living with each other. Moreover, they must live with the 'other,' that is, the Christians and others who do not belong to their race, in order [for them to be able to] rip them apart. Gentlemen, if the Jews are not expelled by law from the U.S., within less than 100 years they will stream en masse into our land, take control of it, destroy us, and change the structure of our State … and then we will lose our character and identity.' [This is what Franklin said] and this is what is happening today in Iraq (Yup...Franklin just KNEW a future President would invade a country which did not exist in 1787 or 1789!...ed.).
"'[Franklin continues:] Gentlemen, if the Jews are not expelled within 100 years, our children will work the fields to feed the Jews, while the Jews and their children will live in palaces, sign deals, make money, and become intoxicated with joy – while our children suffer from poverty. O Americans, I warn you: If you do not expel the Jews for good, your children and your children's children will curse you in their graves. Know that the Jews think that we are not Americans – that we have no right to America, even though they have lived with us for generations. This is because the ravening beast cannot change its nature. O Americans, you must know that all the anarchy in the United States today is only because of the Jews.'
"This is the end of the document.
"Noble readers, this document exposes the truth. Had the rulers of America been a good second generation to their predecessors, America would not today have become hostage to the Jews' policy, and Washington would not be aiding Tel Aviv in its satanic spirit.
"I have no more accurate explanation [for what is happening today] than the content of this document, which spells out America's situation with the Jews today with great accuracy, letter by letter and moment by moment.
"O late American president [Benjamin Franklin]! If only you could see what has happened to your people, and how your prophecy – about the establishment of a country of devils at the expense of your wretched people – has come true!"
I would love to say that these alleged "scholars" are as dumb as mules, but I love animals and I hate to compare these assholes to mules.