Friday, February 18, 2005
If anyone tuned in to the hearings before the House Armed Services Committee the other day, they would have been amazed to see the nonsense of National Doofus Masquerading as Someone in Congress (NDMSC), Loretta Sanchez (D-Psycho), who tried to outwit Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and instead got the equivalent of a massive Rocky punch to her solar plexus.
The transcript (courtesy of The Washington Post) does not fully illustrate the duncery (is that a word?) of Sanchez, but it is fun to read nonetheless:
Transcript: Rumsfeld Testifies Before House Panel
[...]Over the past year, we've received incredibly widely fluctuating estimates of that. And I think you have a real credibility problem on this issue.
RUMSFELD: Fluctuations of what?
SANCHEZ: The fluctuations of -- the numbers that you bandy around about how many troops we really have out there that are Iraqi police, et cetera, et cetera.
First you estimate that there are currently 136,000 trained Iraqi security forces in the field. About 79,000 of those are police and other interior ministry troops.
While the police a role in counterinsurgency, they're not organized, trained or equipped to engage in combat operations. We rely mainly on the Iraq army and the national guard to take the lead in counterinsurgency fighting, not the police.
Isn't that right, Mr. Secretary?
[...]RUMSFELD: ...First, there's no question but that incidents like you described have occurred. They have occurred in militaries across the world and they happen. I think that fewer of them have happened lately, and they're getting better.
Second, you're correct that the strength of the insurgency is one part of the equation. The other is the capability and the numbers. It's not just numbers, but capability of the security forces, plus the progress on the economic and political side. I think it's important to keep those things in mind, because they are going to affect the intensity and the insurgency.
Third, in the materials we provide you, there are, I think, 12 or 15 different categories. There are police, civil intervention force, emergency response, border enforcement, highway patrol, dignitary protection, special police commandos for the interior department, army, national guard, intervention force, special operations, air force, navy for the military.
Now, you say we bandy around numbers. They're not my numbers. I don't invent them. They come from General Petraeus.
If you look up there, what you'll see is that the numbers originally, as I said in my remarks, included site protection people. And that dropped it by about 70,000.
We originally talked about on duty only, then we changed it and said trained, then we took the site protection out.
This has all been perfectly transparent to everybody. There's no bandying at all.
And now we're saying trained and equipped, just in the ministry of interior and defense. They are Petraeus' numbers.
SANCHEZ: I have Petraeus' numbers. They're different than your numbers, by the way.
RUMSFELD: Well, what's the date? They aren't different because these came from Petraeus. He may have two sets of numbers, but they are not different if the date's the same. The date on my paper here is February 14th. What's yours?
SANCHEZ: December 20th.
RUMSFELD: Not surprising there's a difference.
You can almost hear the
which Rumsfeld landed on Sanchez's empty but thick skull.Only Fox News showed this exchange - CNN and MSNBC chose not to embarrass someone who regularly appears on their dimwitted shows as an "expert" in something when she is clearly over her head.
I feel sorry for Sanchez's constituents in California. Actually, come to think of it, I don't - voting for this dummy and sending her to represent them in DC was their idea, not anyone else's.

This photo of National Imbecile Loretta Sanchez does not clearly indicate just where Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld jammed a right uppercut into her pudgy face.
Here are the FACTS that Sanchez presented to GEN Abizaid__
On 16 Sep 03, Mr Rumsfeld said there were a total of 56,000 Iraqis under arms in the army, police, border guards and civil defense corps.
On 25 Oct 03, Mr. Wolfowitz told an audience at Georgetown University that there were 90,000 Iraqi troops.
On 4 Nov 03, Rumsfeld claimed there were "over 100,000 trained and serving--a 40% increase in just one and a half months.
On 19 Nov 03 and DoD news release said there were 138,600 Iraqis serving
On 23 Feb 2004, at a daily Pentagon news briefing, Mr. Rumsfeld said "We now have in excess of 210,000 Iraqi security forces." 210,000
In testimony two weeks ago, Mr. Rumsfeld claimed there are now 137,000 Iraqis serving--that is a DECREASE of 73,000 in the past year--USING MR. RUMSFELD'S OWN CLAIMS. Yet he sat here and denied that he has given unreliable estimates.
You, Rum and Fox are too stupid to appreciate Loretta, who is one of the smartest members of Congress. Instead of throwing softballs at Rum, like the rest of the cowards, she routinely asks incisive questions. The exchange you have isolated and taken out of context is one example of how Rumsfeld dodges, lies and passes the buck. Obviously, a liar has more options than an honest person. Most of the time, Loretta is the one "bitch slapping" Rumsfeld. You shouldn't talk about things you do not understand, Joobo. Abizaid is a good man and he agreed with Loretta that Rum has cooked the books. This illustrates why you and Fox are so pathetically biased and ill informed.
A Fellow Republican
Here are the FACTS that Sanchez presented to GEN Abizaid__
On 16 Sep 03, Mr Rumsfeld said there were a total of 56,000 Iraqis under arms in the army, police, border guards and civil defense corps.
On 25 Oct 03, Mr. Wolfowitz told an audience at Georgetown University that there were 90,000 Iraqi troops.
On 4 Nov 03, Rumsfeld claimed there were "over 100,000 trained and serving--a 40% increase in just one and a half months.
On 19 Nov 03 and DoD news release said there were 138,600 Iraqis serving
On 23 Feb 2004, at a daily Pentagon news briefing, Mr. Rumsfeld said "We now have in excess of 210,000 Iraqi security forces." 210,000
In testimony two weeks ago, Mr. Rumsfeld claimed there are now 137,000 Iraqis serving--that is a DECREASE of 73,000 in the past year--USING MR. RUMSFELD'S OWN CLAIMS. Yet he sat here and denied that he has given unreliable estimates.
You, Rum and Fox are too stupid to appreciate Loretta, who is one of the smartest members of Congress. Instead of throwing softballs at Rum, like the rest of the cowards, she routinely asks incisive questions. The exchange you have isolated and taken out of context is one example of how Rumsfeld dodges, lies and passes the buck. Obviously, a liar has more options than an honest person. Most of the time, Loretta is the one "bitch slapping" Rumsfeld. You shouldn't talk about things you do not understand, Joobo. Abizaid is a good man and he agreed with Loretta that Rum has cooked the books. This illustrates why you and Fox are so pathetically biased and ill informed.
A Fellow Republican
Here are the FACTS that Sanchez presented to GEN Abizaid__
On 16 Sep 03, Mr Rumsfeld said there were a total of 56,000 Iraqis under arms in the army, police, border guards and civil defense corps.
On 25 Oct 03, Mr. Wolfowitz told an audience at Georgetown University that there were 90,000 Iraqi troops.
On 4 Nov 03, Rumsfeld claimed there were "over 100,000 trained and serving--a 40% increase in just one and a half months.
On 19 Nov 03 and DoD news release said there were 138,600 Iraqis serving
On 23 Feb 2004, at a daily Pentagon news briefing, Mr. Rumsfeld said "We now have in excess of 210,000 Iraqi security forces." 210,000
In testimony two weeks ago, Mr. Rumsfeld claimed there are now 137,000 Iraqis serving--that is a DECREASE of 73,000 in the past year--USING MR. RUMSFELD'S OWN CLAIMS. Yet he sat here and denied that he has given unreliable estimates.
You, Rum and Fox are too stupid to appreciate Loretta, who is one of the smartest members of Congress. Instead of throwing softballs at Rum, like the rest of the cowards, she routinely asks incisive questions. The exchange you have isolated and taken out of context is one example of how Rumsfeld dodges, lies and passes the buck. Obviously, a liar has more options than an honest person. Most of the time, Loretta is the one "bitch slapping" Rumsfeld. You shouldn't talk about things you do not understand, Joobo. Abizaid is a good man and he agreed with Loretta that Rum has cooked the books. This illustrates why you and Fox are so pathetically biased and ill informed.
A Fellow Republican
Here are the FACTS that Sanchez presented to GEN Abizaid__
On 16 Sep 03, Mr Rumsfeld said there were a total of 56,000 Iraqis under arms in the army, police, border guards and civil defense corps.
On 25 Oct 03, Mr. Wolfowitz told an audience at Georgetown University that there were 90,000 Iraqi troops.
On 4 Nov 03, Rumsfeld claimed there were "over 100,000 trained and serving--a 40% increase in just one and a half months.
On 19 Nov 03 and DoD news release said there were 138,600 Iraqis serving
On 23 Feb 2004, at a daily Pentagon news briefing, Mr. Rumsfeld said "We now have in excess of 210,000 Iraqi security forces." 210,000
In testimony two weeks ago, Mr. Rumsfeld claimed there are now 137,000 Iraqis serving--that is a DECREASE of 73,000 in the past year--USING MR. RUMSFELD'S OWN CLAIMS. Yet he sat here and denied that he has given unreliable estimates.
You, Rum and Fox are too stupid to appreciate Loretta, who is one of the smartest members of Congress. Instead of throwing softballs at Rum, like the rest of the cowards, she routinely asks incisive questions. The exchange you have isolated and taken out of context is one example of how Rumsfeld dodges, lies and passes the buck. Obviously, a liar has more options than an honest person. Most of the time, Loretta is the one "bitch slapping" Rumsfeld. You shouldn't talk about things you do not understand, Joobo. Abizaid is a good man and he agreed with Loretta that Rum has cooked the books. This illustrates why you and Fox are so pathetically biased and ill informed.
A Fellow Republican
Here are the FACTS that Sanchez presented to GEN Abizaid__
On 16 Sep 03, Mr Rumsfeld said there were a total of 56,000 Iraqis under arms in the army, police, border guards and civil defense corps.
On 25 Oct 03, Mr. Wolfowitz told an audience at Georgetown University that there were 90,000 Iraqi troops.
On 4 Nov 03, Rumsfeld claimed there were "over 100,000 trained and serving--a 40% increase in just one and a half months.
On 19 Nov 03 and DoD news release said there were 138,600 Iraqis serving
On 23 Feb 2004, at a daily Pentagon news briefing, Mr. Rumsfeld said "We now have in excess of 210,000 Iraqi security forces." 210,000
In testimony two weeks ago, Mr. Rumsfeld claimed there are now 137,000 Iraqis serving--that is a DECREASE of 73,000 in the past year--USING MR. RUMSFELD'S OWN CLAIMS. Yet he sat here and denied that he has given unreliable estimates.
You, Rum and Fox are too stupid to appreciate Loretta, who is one of the smartest members of Congress. Instead of throwing softballs at Rum, like the rest of the cowards, she routinely asks incisive questions. The exchange you have isolated and taken out of context is one example of how Rumsfeld dodges, lies and passes the buck. Obviously, a liar has more options than an honest person. Most of the time, Loretta is the one "bitch slapping" Rumsfeld. You shouldn't talk about things you do not understand, Joobo. Abizaid is a good man and he agreed with Loretta that Rum has cooked the books. This illustrates why you and Fox are so pathetically biased and ill informed.
A Fellow Republican
Here are the FACTS that Sanchez presented to GEN Abizaid__
On 16 Sep 03, Mr Rumsfeld said there were a total of 56,000 Iraqis under arms in the army, police, border guards and civil defense corps.
On 25 Oct 03, Mr. Wolfowitz told an audience at Georgetown University that there were 90,000 Iraqi troops.
On 4 Nov 03, Rumsfeld claimed there were "over 100,000 trained and serving--a 40% increase in just one and a half months.
On 19 Nov 03 and DoD news release said there were 138,600 Iraqis serving
On 23 Feb 2004, at a daily Pentagon news briefing, Mr. Rumsfeld said "We now have in excess of 210,000 Iraqi security forces." 210,000
In testimony two weeks ago, Mr. Rumsfeld claimed there are now 137,000 Iraqis serving--that is a DECREASE of 73,000 in the past year--USING MR. RUMSFELD'S OWN CLAIMS. Yet he sat here and denied that he has given unreliable estimates.
You, Rum and Fox are too stupid to appreciate Loretta, who is one of the smartest members of Congress. Instead of throwing softballs at Rum, like the rest of the cowards, she routinely asks incisive questions. The exchange you have isolated and taken out of context is one example of how Rumsfeld dodges, lies and passes the buck. Obviously, a liar has more options than an honest person. Most of the time, Loretta is the one "bitch slapping" Rumsfeld. You shouldn't talk about things you do not understand, Joobo. Abizaid is a good man and he agreed with Loretta that Rum has cooked the books. This illustrates why you and Fox are so pathetically biased and ill informed.
A Fellow Republican
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