Monday, February 14, 2005
The Brits have finally came to their senses - and now some governmental board is threatening London Mayor Ken Livingstone, who coddles Islamic thugs and advocates for mass murder but picks on elderly Jews by calling them "concentration camp guards," with suspension and loss of his job if he does not apologize for his rude and crude comments. Livingstone, like most of the Dumb Left©, sees nothing wrong with what he said and stands his ground.
Livingstone may face suspension over 'racist' slur
Ken Livingstone faces an independent inquiry that could lead to his suspension as London Mayor after he refused to apologise yesterday for likening a Jewish reporter to a concentration camp guard.
The mayor’s conduct will be investigated after the Board of Deputies of British Jews submitted a complaint to the Committee on Standards in Public Life.
The committee is expected to pass the complaint to the Standards Board for England for Mr Livingstone’s second career-threatening inquiry. He was cleared “on the balance of probability” in 2003 of bringing his office into disrepute over an alleged drunken scuffle at a late-night party.
In refusing to say sorry for his remarks, the mayor told the London Assembly: “I cannot say to you words I do not believe in my heart.”
In America we have the radical lowlife and Phony American Indian Ward Churchill; now we see that England, too, has its brand of leftist lunatics.