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Monday, February 21, 2005

Livingstone of London: The Punishment Beckons

If you are a regular reader of this column you have heard about how "Red Ken" Livingstone, the Marxist Mayor of London, England, told a Jewish reporter that he was acting "like a concentration camp guard" when bothering to ask Livingstone a question the moron might be forced to answer.

Well, Livingstone has refused to apologize, and now he is on the cusp of being punished by official London:

Livingstone faces inquiry over jibe

A formal investigation was launched yesterday into Ken Livingstone's likening of a Jewish journalist to a Nazi concentration camp guard.

Acting on a complaint from a member of the public, the Standards Board for England, the local government watchdog, will consider whether the Labour Mayor of London breached the Code of Conduct of the Greater London Authority.

If Mr Livingstone is found guilty he faces a range of sanctions and could be barred from office for five years.

Since Londoners keep re-electing this slug even though he thoroughly enjoys financially raping each one of them, perhaps the best punishment would be to take away London's bid for the 2012 Olympics - and then they can continue to thank Mayor Livingstone as British athletes head off to another city in 7 years for the Olympics.

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