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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Leftwing Looneytown Expands Its Hold on the Web

Do you want some more evidence that the only arguments that liberals have today can be broken down into just 7 classic pieces of propaganda?

Here is the liberal argument to why they lost 3 elections in a row: 1) President Bush is a Nazi, 2) President Bush and his entire administration are Nazis, 3) John Negroponte is a Nazi, 4) the GOP leaders in Congress are all Nazis, 5) Donald Rumsfeld in certainly a Nazi, 6) Bush and his Nazi administration stole two elections, and 7) in 2006 the liberals will sweep to power because, as numbers 1-6 indicate, Bush is a Nazi.

Don't believe it? Check out some of the comments on this site, dedicated to serving the needs of seriously deluded and woefully maladjusted cretins known as liberals:

It is fun to check these fruitcakes out and watch them continue to bemoan why the majority of Americans no longer subscribe to their patently offensive and silly ideology.

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