Saturday, February 19, 2005
Do you want some more evidence that the only arguments that liberals have today can be broken down into just 7 classic pieces of propaganda?
Here is the liberal argument to why they lost 3 elections in a row: 1) President Bush is a Nazi, 2) President Bush and his entire administration are Nazis, 3) John Negroponte is a Nazi, 4) the GOP leaders in Congress are all Nazis, 5) Donald Rumsfeld in certainly a Nazi, 6) Bush and his Nazi administration stole two elections, and 7) in 2006 the liberals will sweep to power because, as numbers 1-6 indicate, Bush is a Nazi.
Don't believe it? Check out some of the comments on this site, dedicated to serving the needs of seriously deluded and woefully maladjusted cretins known as liberals:
It is fun to check these fruitcakes out and watch them continue to bemoan why the majority of Americans no longer subscribe to their patently offensive and silly ideology.