Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Once again, United Nations Official Slimeball and Thief Kofi Annan has made an utter fool of himself. Instead of being concerned about the perhaps hundreds of thousands or even millions of people who would be injured or killed in a nuclear explosion rigged by terrorists, Duh Leader Kofi says that "economies could suffer" from the attack.
Check out this relevant quote in this otherwise forgettable story:
United Nations chief calls for world security system
''If New York or London or Paris or Berlin were hit by a nuclear terrorist attack, it might not only kill hundreds of thousands in an instant,'' he said. "It could also devastate the global economy, thereby plunging millions into poverty in developing nations."
Yessiree, Kofi is worried that if something blew up over New York City, he might not be able to park in front of Lutesse and get his rack of lamb for dinner.
But he is also concerned, because if New York were to vanish a nuclear cloud, perhaps poverty-stricken shitholes such as Bangladesh or even, say, Sri Lanka could be impacted. Heck, even North Korea could feel the weight of the millions of dead New Yorkers.
Poor Kofi. What an asshole.