Monday, February 28, 2005
In exposing Howard Dean, chairman of the Downtrodden National Committee, and his recent e-mail to me and dozens of other Downies Who Care (DWC), I said the following:
"In fact, if you told the truth, you would let me know about getting to a city to find 100 disgusted and flatlining liberals lined up in heavy coats and boots to tell you how their chances of winning an election any time soon are worse than Usama bin Laden winning a Nobel Peace Prize."
Needless to say, I was kidding. Alas, it appears I hit the proverbial nail right on the head:
Dean roars into town
There were plenty of screams Friday afternoon at Liberty Hall, but none of them came from Howard Dean.
Instead, the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee was cheered enthusiastically by a sign-waving crowd gathered to hear Dean's message that the party must build its strength in traditionally Republican states such as Kansas.
"We need to go everywhere," he told the rally. "There is not one county in this state, I don't care how far west you go, that doesn't have Democrats. We have to be proud of who we are."
It was a message gladly received among the Democratic faithful.
"It was wonderful, very energizing, a very positive, powerful message," said Micheline Burger, who joined nearly 1,000 others in paying $5 to hear Dean, the former presidential candidate. "It gives me a hope there's a good future ahead of us, as opposed to what we've been having the last four years."
So, some lowlife liberals appeared to welcome Howie and his Raving Band o'Nuts. So what, you say? Well, Howie continues to show his softer and warmer side, embracing tolerance and reaching out to bring others into his party:
"Moderate Republicans can't stand these people (conservatives), because they're intolerant. They don't think tolerance is a virtue," Dean said, adding: "I'm not going to have these right-wingers throw away our right to be tolerant."
And concluding his backyard speech with a litany of Democratic values, he added: "This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good."
Dean said this same thing during the 2004 campaign: that the Downies should concentrate not on Usama bin Laden, but the real enemy: George W. Bush.
Downies continue to slide towards their ultimate nonsensical end. Here is wishing that it continues its blissful decline.

"Republicans are bad! They are evil! I will gather them up and lock them away...and follow in the footsteps of my ancestor Adolf Dean! Ich bin ein nutty!"