Thursday, February 24, 2005
We could post 100,000 stories here about the horrible things liberals say and think about America. What is good about current times is that love of our troops overseas is so widespread in America that liberals, who would love nothing more than to spit at returning soldiers and call them "babykillers" and "mosque blower-uppers," are forced to smile, hold their chaw, and mumble, "We love the troops; we hate the war."
By the way, there is nothing that liberals love any more than raising taxes, killing unborn children, and making sure pedophiles have free reign over the children of America.
But sometimes liberals, in their never-ending quest to be disgusting and pathetic, poke their heads out and let everyone without a brain know just what they are really this asshole who posted this garbage in a college "newspaper":
No yellow ribbons here
Guilt can only weigh on a person's mind for so long before they crave the act of purgation; to get the weighty feelings of shame and responsibility out of the mind - or at least the guilty parties attempt to find some kind of peace if they cannot rid themselves of a screaming conscience that implicates and indicts its possessor.
That said, perhaps some readers will understand why my friends and I rip yellow ribbon "support the troops" magnets off of cars or wherever people have affixed them. By ripping off these ribbons, we find a way to deal with our guilt, as though with each ribbon swiped we take back a life that was taken by this senseless war started by our senseless president and those who support him.
I will never say, "support the troops." I don't believe in the validity of that statement. People say, "I don't support the war, I support the troops" as though you can actually separate the two. You cannot; the troops are a part of the war, they have become the war and there is no valid dissection of the two. Other people shout with glaring eyes that we should give up our politics, give up our political affiliations in favor of "just supporting the troops." I wish everything were that easy.
This is not a parody, or some comic routine - this jerkoff is serious.
I hope he tries to rip the sticker off the car of a veteran - a really pissed off veteran. And I hope the veteran catches this moron in the act. And then I hope the veteran kicks this idiot's ass until he can no longer move. And then I hope I can shake that veteran's hand for a job well done.