Monday, February 21, 2005
As we pointed out last week, liberals around the world are in a mad rush to destroy liberalism - utilizing every facility and resource at their disposal to show themselves as the illiterate, foolish, and incredibly sick and perverted people that they truly are.
Today, this week's DoL round-up has two lovely stories, one domestic and one international.
First the domestic horror show.
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-Looneytown) held a town meeting to discuss President Bush's plans to reform and save Social Security. Unfortunately, Hinchey somehow became unhinged during said town meeting and came up with a novel theory: That it was Karl Rove, President Bush's campaign advisor, who was the true source behind the fake memos used by CBS in the "memogate" story which helped to bring down Dan Rather.

Maurice Hinchey: Could he be suffering from BDS?
Luckily for us, a reader of the blog Little Green Footballs was in the audience, and was taping the comments by Hinchey. This person, incognito, got up and asked Hinchey what evidence he might have as to the truthfulness of this theory. None, said Hinchey - demonstrating that if you have a whacked-out theory and $.50, you can buy a cup of coffee.
Congressman Says Rove Planted CBS Memos
Yesterday Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) hosted a community forum in Ithaca, New York, on The Future Of Social Security.
An LGF reader was present in the audience and happened to be recording as Rep. Hinchey launched into a barking moonbat conspiracy rant worthy of Democratic Underground, telling the audience he believed the fake CBS memos were planted by Karl Rove to discredit Dan Rather, and divert attention from President Bush’s “draft dodging.”
When our reader asked Hinchey if he had evidence for these charges, he first said, “Yes, I do,” but when asked a second time he admitted he did not.
Our reader pressed the issue, “Don’t you think it’s irresponsible to make charges like that?” Hinchey replied, “No, I don’t, I think it’s very important to make charges like that ... I think it’s very important to combat this kind of activity in every way that you can, and I’m willing, as most people are not, to step forward in situations like this and take risks.”
And the crowd burst into applause and cheering.
Hinchey is just another dimwit in the minority (DIM) in Congress - a Downie of the worst sort. But what is so interesting is that not one major media outlet has mentioned this story. Ignorance? Embarrassment for Hinchey?
Now from the international scene comes a story straight out of Caracas - in this case, Caracas, Venezuela - in which Hugo "Little Hitler" Chavez, one of the dumbest and most annoying world leaders with the exception of Jacques Chirac, said that he "believes" that President Bush is out to assassinate him. But, as with Rep. Hinchey, Chavez has enough proof to fit into a thimble and still have room for his little finger. Actually, he may have room for his head in there, as well.
Chavez says US plans to kill him
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he believes the US government is planning to assassinate him.Mr. Chavez - who offered no evidence to back his claim - said any attempt on his life would backfire and threatened to cut off oil supplies to America.

My entire brain is made of crap
And I know so little that my IQ is 22
Bush is coming for me
I don't have time to take a pee,
I won't let Juan Valdez come and take me!"
There seems to be a thread which ties these two seemingly unrelated stories together. Perhaps it is...gas from too much rich food? Maybe it is painful gout...or some problem like that of Jimmy Carter: perhaps these men are visualizing large rabbits attacking them. It can't be powerlessness for both...while Hinchey is a Dimwit in the Minority (DIM), Hugo Putz is, after all, el Presidente of Venezuela.
But, wait...if you check the one phrase running through both stories, you see it is "George W. Bush." Voila! These two clearly maniacal doofuses are having problems coping with reality because they oppose George W. Bush!
So, to sum up, it is clear that a distressed congressman and the leader of Venezuela, which is, the last time I looked, a country perhaps in South America, are both suffering from BDS - Bush Derangement Syndrome. Some doctors believe that sufferers of this crippling malady lose what is left of their minds as the image of a powerful President George W. Bush continues to change the world for the better...and that it forces victims to utter nonsense, pedantic bullcrap, and do things that ordinary people just would not do.
Perhaps someone in the know could write a paper on BDS, so we can all find out what has caused so many liberals to be stupider and sillier than usual.
[Thanks to Littlegreenfootballs for the use of the story and the link on Hinchey.]