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Friday, February 18, 2005

The Death of Liberalism in America: The Weekly Round-Up

As part of my mission to cast the light of truth on liberals and liberalism and the destructive influence that is has had and continues to have on America, I will now have a weekly round-up of stories showing that 1) liberalism is dying its natural death, and 2) why Downtroddens, and no one else, are hastening liberalism's death.

First up this week: three juicy stories on this theme.

Here's story number one: why Hillary Clinton, US Senator and snob, has no chance whatsoever of being elected President of these United States:

Friends no more?

I hope Sen. Hillary Clinton isn't counting on help from Hollywood mogul David Geffen in her possible run for the White House in 2008. Geffen, a generous supporter and pal of Bill Clinton when he was President, trashed Hillary's prospects last night during a Q&A at the 92nd St. Y. "She can't win, and she's an incredibly polarizing figure," the billionaire Democrat told his audience. "And ambition is just not a good enough reason." Geffen's dis was met with hearty applause.

And Geffen, a far-left liberal who is in touch with the gay side of American politics more than most people, in fact has put his finger on what is probably true: if Hillary were to somehow get the Downies' Prez nod in 2008, conservatives and men would line up for hours if need be to vote against her. If you think John Kerry lost the red states, you will see Hillary lose some blue states as well.

Now for story number two: Let's call this one "Liberals who have no arguments resort to violence." Richard Perle, formerly of the Pentagon and a long-time personality on the American national security front, put himself on the line and actually showed up to debate Howard Dean, new chairman of the Downtrodden National Committee. Of course, it is always good when people debate their differences with reasoned argument and passion in their words. But some liberals cannot tolerate debate - they need to use violence to achieve their aims:

Protester Throws Shoe at Richard Perle

Portland, Ore. (AP) - Howard Dean, the newly minted leader of the Democratic Party, and former Pentagon adviser Richard Perle made clear their opposing views on the war in Iraq during a debate marred by a protester who tossed a shoe at Perle.

Perle had just started his comments Thursday when a protester threw a shoe at him before being dragged away, screaming, "Liar! Liar!"

Perle, who was Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's top policy adviser, was a key architect of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, and Dean is among the war's most prominent opponents.

Now, for a minute, imagine that a right-wing protestor threw a shoe at Dean. CNN, MSNBC, and the entire liberal media intelligentsia in the US would have issued news alerts, shown footage, and called for arrests. Oh, and they would tell you how terribly intolerant conservatives are to debate. Of course, none of that happens when a leftwinger displays his or her violent side. I call this the "Rachel Corrie Effect." I will demonstrate that effect more in the coming days and weeks.

And, third, some more "reasoned" argument from the demented left in America: I fucking hate republicans.

More evidence from three arenas that liberalism is dying, and that liberals are the generals leading the fight to kill it.

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