Friday, February 25, 2005
Boy, does Howie Dean, head of the Downtrodden National Committee, seem to love me, despite the fact that I think he is whacked out of his head. But now and again he sends me his thoughts, his rants, his kooky ideas, and I love exposing them. I post this with - as usual - no link, but I did insert some of my more interesting comments in brackets. Read and enjoy.
Dear _______,
Tell me what you think about the plan for the future of our Party:
[IT SUCKS! - Ed.]
The staff and I have been reading through thousands upon thousands of replies to my letter last week, and I wanted to report back to you on what people are saying about the plan for the future of our party:
Two things struck me as I read what grassroots Democrats like you have to say.
[I am NOT a Democrat. I can't imagine being a Democrat even if you paid me. Ed.]
One was the honesty I heard about your very practical concerns at the local level -- many wrote about starting a local party organization, or living in a heavily Republican area where it has been hard to get the resources to make a difference.
[Hmmm..."living in a heavily Republican area." Could this be those red states I have heard so much about? The ones George W. Bush won in November? - Ed.]
But we will meet those challenges -- because what stood out even more was the overwhelming energy and excitement at the grassroots of our party. So many Democrats can't wait to get started -- they want to grow our party from the ground up.
[I think many of them just want to throw up. - Ed.]
And that's exactly what we're going to do.
I've included below a few of the messages from people like you. Please take the time to read them, and to become part of this conversation yourself:
[I wanted to read them, but I haven't stopped laughing from the last batch, so maybe I will try next week. - Ed.]
I'm traveling this week and next week -- to exactly the kind of places where we need to start building. I'm just leaving upstate New York, where folks concerned about jobs and fiscal responsibility are learning that you can't trust Republicans with your money.
[Yep - you can't trust Republicans with your money. How interesting that Dems want to give MY MONEY to people who don't deserve it at the same time they are reaching into MY pocket to take it from me? - Ed.]
And I'm on my way to Kansas and Mississippi to talk to Democrats about how to take our agenda and values out into their communities.
[Yep - Mississippi. When did the Dems last win that state...1932? 1936? - Ed.]
But our party will only succeed if you work to build it in your community. Your commitment can make it happen.
[My commitment is to expose the Downies for the frauds that they are. And it seems to be working - the Downies control not one thing in the entire DC region. Yahoo! - Ed.]
Thank you.
Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Chairman, Democratic National Committee
Thanks, Howie. I look forward to your next letter, in which you will tell me of the millions of happy, smiling Democrats who realize you are bringing them manna from heaven to lead them from the isolation of the political wilderness into power once again. In fact, if you told the truth, you would let me know about getting to a city to find 100 disgusted and flatlining liberals lined up in heavy coats and boots to tell you how their chances of winning an election any time soon are worse than Usama bin Laden winning a Nobel Peace Prize.
But thanks for the laughs anyway, Howie.

Howie says to me: "Read my plan, whydoncha! Read it! We will win! Read the plan! READ IT!!!!!"