Friday, February 25, 2005
Kofi Annan, Chief Crook at the Disunited Nations, says that while he wants Syrian forces to leave Lebanon by April, he doesn't want them to feel that that is some sort of deadline:
UN denies Annan demand on Syria's Lebanon pullout
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's spokesman denied an Al-Arabiya television report that Annan had demanded a Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon by April or sanctions if they do not comply.
"The secretary general never set an April deadline for a withdrawal nor did he support sanctions if the pullout didn't happen by then," spokesman Fred Eckhard said, providing a partial transcript of the network's Annan interview.
In the unofficial transcript of the interview, to be broadcast on Friday, Annan said he would next report to the Security Council by April on Syria's compliance with a council resolution demanding the Syrian withdrawal.
"If it's partial withdrawal, I will have to report. If it's total withdrawal, I will have to report," Annan said, adding that it would be up to the council to impose any sanctions.
Why this moron is still running this criminal organization which American taxpayers continue to fund, while he jaunts around the world eating expensive meals and living the high life is beyond me.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, seen here rushing off to an important dinner engagement at some expensive NY restaurant, pauses to tell reporters that while he wants Syrian forces out of Lebanon, he doesn't want to make the Syrians feel bad so he is not setting a timeline for them to leave.