Friday, February 18, 2005
When they are not throwing shoes or throwing tantrums about what silly demented idjits they truly are, American liberals (as opposed to the sickeningly whacked out European liberals) have some fascination with saying that "George W. Bush is Hitler." Somehow, liberals have forgotten that Hitler was a dictator who killed millions. But to liberal fruitcakes, there is no difference between the two, showing their true stupidity or the utter nonsense of their beliefs.
And to prove how senseless these liberals are, check out how they show their stupidity: defacing a sign of Bush put up by a conservative group:
Hollywood Vandals Brand Bush a Nazi
We previously reported the conservative group, Citizens United, planned to erect two pro-Bush billboards in Hollywood "thanking" Hollywood for Bush's reelection. As planned, the signs were created, coinciding with the buildup to Oscar night. However, one of those tongue-in-cheek billboards was seriously vandalized Wednesday night, when a Swastika was painted on President Bush's forehead.
Few Angeleans saw the disfigured sign though, since Citizens United anticipated the vandalism, and had previously arranged with the sign company that their billboards would be immediately repaired if, in fact, they were damaged.
True to their word, the overnight damage was repaired within hours.
Check out the savagery of liberal garbage in all its glory:

Liberals...the scum of human existence.