Thursday, February 17, 2005
Nope, it is NOT Michael Jackson, because he is an American-loving child molestor. But Whacko Jacko is too busy fending off new reports of diddling little boys to be concerned about terrorism except his own.
No, this molestor is Scott Ritter, dickhead du jour, who is now writing a column for - get this - Al-Jazeera, the Muslim Terror Network. Check out Der Sicko's words of disgust for the US military:
The Salvador option
By any standard, the ongoing American occupation of Iraq is a disaster.
The highly vaunted US military machine, laurelled and praised for its historic march on Baghdad in March and April of 2003, today finds itself a broken force, on the defensive in a land that it may occupy in part, but does not control.
The all-out offensive to break the back of the resistance in Falluja has failed, leaving a city destroyed by American firepower, and still very much in the grips of the anti-American fighters.
My question is: why hasn't this lowlife been sent back to to the US to face charges of child molestation? The pig deserves a trial so his sickness and perversions can be exposed.
Ritter is a traitor to the US, plain and simple. Hiding behind the Muslim veil to rank on his native land is more than disgusting - it is treason.

"Hi, I am Scott Ritter. When I am not doing things to hurt the United States, I am busily looking up young children on internet sites to have sex with. What's so wrong with that? Is America trying to get me for loving children?"