Friday, January 28, 2005
Rice Is Confirmed Amid Criticism
Nice to hear, eh? After making complete and utter fools of themselves, the Dems in the Senate could muster just 13 votes against Madam Secretary.
But what is funny - no, hilarious - is The Washington Post's tortured description of the 13 bozos who opposed her:
Some of the Democrats who opposed Rice were centrists from states in which President Bush won or ran strongly in November, including Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), Mark Dayton (D-Minn.), Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.) and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa).
Wait - let's pause for a moment because my stomach hurts from all the laughter. Robert "Grand Kleagle" Byrd is a centrist? Mark Dayton, head of the Salvation Army-hating Target stores is a centrist? Carl Levin - a centrist? Tom Harkin (who can be seen cackling behind Howard Dean as Dean crashed with his screaming fit last January in Iowa)...a CENTRIST?
What is truly embarrassing is that The Washington Post is trying its darndest to become the paper of laughter, the same title The New York Times holds by itself right now. But, alas - misery loves company. And liberals love misery, so there must be something to this journalist implosion.

Howard Dean, former Governor of Vermont, loses his head after his "I Have a Scream speech" following his disastrous loss in the Iowa primary. Senator Tom Harkin (D-Fuckingretardo), standing behind Dean when the Governor's head exploded, was covered with bits of brain matter and Cheez Whiz fragments.