Monday, January 31, 2005
American envoy John Bolton, the State Department's top international security official, repeated U.S. allegations Monday about an Iranian nuclear weapons program and said Israel might attack Iran's nuclear sites because the Jewish state has "a history" of such actions.
"The vice president said we're very concerned that this might happen," Bolton said, referring to a recent statement by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney.
"Israel destroyed the Osirak reactor in Iraq. They have a history of this," Bolton said.
Earlier this month Cheney said it was possible Israel might attack Iran if it became convinced Tehran posed a nuclear threat.
Israel's nuclear weapons program is thought to include about 200 warheads deployed on ballistic missiles and aircraft and on three submarines, according to the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Israel is also believed to stock chemical and biological weapons, according to the Carnegie Endowment and the Monterey Institute of International Studies, which track such issues.
Israeli officials do not comment on the country's nuclear weapons potential.
"Israel isn't a threat to the United States. We don't treat different cases the same," he said, adding that the United States favors "a Middle East free of all weapons of mass destruction."
Let us harken back to 1981, when Israeli jets blew up the Osirak site in Iraq (built, by the way, with the assistance of France, led by Jacques Chirac); had they not, Iraq would have invaded Kuwait in 1991 AND had a nuclear weapon to boot. Imagine that threat.
The world condemned Israel in 1981, but you would be hard-pressed to find a single diplomat (except in the morbidly stupid Arab countries) who doesn't secretly cheer that Israel did what they did or even admit admiration for the fiesty little Jewish state. But just wait to see the world reaction - especially from France and Germany - if Israel does another bombing run. But I believe that secretly many will be cheering Israel on, only because the rest of the world is too stupid or too weak to do it themselves.