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Friday, January 28, 2005

NY Sun: United Nations Idiots Funded Palestinian Terror Machine

Despite Israeli Alerts, U.N. Transfers Thousands to Hamas Affiliates

UNITED NATIONS - A United Nations agency transferred thousands of dollars to a Palestinian Arab charity affiliated with terrorism long after Israel warned of the terror connection, though the U.N. publicly claimed payments to the organization had stopped.

The blunder points to trouble inside the U.N. Development Program, a huge operation headed by Mark Maloch Brown, who has recently been appointed Secretary-General Annan's chief of staff, largely for his organizational skills and his ability to handle the press. The U.N. plans to launch an internal probe as a result of the revelations uncovered by The New York Sun.

According to a UNDP letter that was seen by the Sun, the agency transferred the sum of $6,000 to an account in the Jenin branch of Cairo Amman Bank in September 11, 2003. The account belongs to the Jenin Zaka, or charity committee.

A subsequent letter from UNDP, dated October 3, 2003, written in Arabic and addressed to the head of the Jenin organization, actually states that the transfer was a mistake and demands a return of the funds. "It was transferred to your account by mistake," the letter states, adding that the money "was intended for the Tul Karem Charity Committee."

Both committees were identified by the Israeli Defense Force as part of a charity network affiliated with Hamas, the terror organization that has boycotted the recent election in the Palestinian Arab areas. The head of the Jenin committee, Ahmed Salaatnah, spent time in Israeli jails between 1993 and 1995 for terrorist activities in the Izz a Din al Kassem, the operational military branch of Hamas responsible for a chain of suicide bombings.

Once again, it is discovered that the UN, that worthless "organization" (more like a cancer which continues to matastasize), has used monies from innocent people to fund the terror machine which kills innocent people. And standing at the top of this mound of death and skullduggery is Chief Terror Apologist and International Thief Kofi Annan, who helped his crooked son gain millions in Oil-for-Food ventures.

At what point will courageous congressmen and Senators say to the UN, "No more money from the United States until you clear house. That means good bye to Annan (and perhaps a nice jail sentence - his pick of prisons, but Guantanamo Bay sounds about right), good bye to the human rights fraud, goodbye to the anti-American and anti-Semitic stands of its key members."

Perhaps we should set a deadline for the UN to move from the US to, let's say, France. Let the Frogs set aside some prime Parisian real estate for Kofi and his band of worthless slugs to whine and dine at. And let us save the billions we waste on this group of people and use it for Americans and those who appreciate the United States. The United Nations is not the place this kind of money should be wasted on.

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