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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Chief Terror Apologist's Son Implicated in Oil Theivery

Kofi Annan’s son admits oil dealing

Uh, we go again...UN Scumbag-in-Chief Kofi Annan's son has "admitted" (what you call it when documents nail your crooked ass) that he was "deeply involved" (nice wording) in oil thievery to make millions of dollars from the misery of the Iraqi people - all while his father was doing his utmost to keep the program making his son rich in place.

The son of the United Nations secretary-general has admitted he was involved in negotiations to sell millions of barrels of Iraqi oil under the auspices of Saddam Hussein.
Kojo Annan has told a close friend he became involved in negotiations to sell 2m barrels of Iraqi oil to a Moroccan company in 2001. He is understood to be co-operating with UN investigators probing the discredited oil for food programme.

The alleged admission will increase pressure on Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general, who is already facing calls for his resignation over the management of the humanitarian programme.

Why don't we just call this what it is: thievery, plain and simple. If the President's son was involved in making millions from a crooked program his father kept in place (despite being warned how much corruption was going on in its operation), the American Left would be howling for impeachment, castration, etc. - unless it was a Democrat President's son. But to the Dimwitted Left, who idolize the ground Kofi Annan walks on, and wouldn't call for his ouster even if there were video of Annan killing seal pups with a hammer, this all means nothing - or perhaps it is a right-wing smear, as some will assert.

The story is that the left, and their agent Kofi, continue to deteriorate in the mind-usage area.

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