Thursday, January 27, 2005
Once again, Democrats have led slip their inane but sickening hatred of America, its love of freedom, and its military.
Ted Kennedy, the bloated scion of the Boston "we'll drown your daughters" network, is continuing to make friends with what can easily be called the "America Sucks" Coalition. Speaking before a crowd of fairly stupid people, Tubalard Ted - sans flotation device - said that Iraq is like Vietnam, American forces have lost in Iraq, and they should just come home. And this from a man whose brother got us into Vietnam.
Ted Kennedy, noted Insanity Guru, tells an audience of Marxist fools that Osama bin Laden is their friend and that the terrorist leader really means well.
Teddy said it best when he stated:
"We have reached the point that a prolonged American military presence in Iraq is no longer productive for either Iraq or the United States...There will be much more violence if we continue our present dangerous and destabilizing course. It will not be easy to extricate ourselves from Iraq, but we must begin."
He added:
"We cannot allow history to repeat itself in Iraq...We must learn from our mistakes in Vietnam, and in Iraq. We must recognize a large and growing number of Iraqis now believe the war in Iraq has become a war against the American occupation.''
Negative, eh? Hatred of America, right? What makes these sick liberals tick?
Now, we need to turn to what President Bush said in his remarks yesterday as an antidote to the disgusting pessimism of La Fatty Teddy:
"Terrorists in that country have declared war against democracy itself, yet the elections will go forward...Millions of Iraqi voters will show their bravery, their love of country, and their desire to live in freedom."
We can compare these two messages: Bush, positive and upbeat, pro-American and pro-freedom; Ted Kennedy, negative, hating of America and using the old psychology of giving up to one's enemies to try to gain favor with them.
This is more clear evidence that Democrats in America should not be allowed anywhere near the halls of power, not for the immediate future anyway.