Thursday, January 27, 2005
The news being read at the "Beeb" is pure rubbish...biased crap, says a report from an independent panel set up to examine why everywhere the BBC reports, it makes troubles appear to be the work of the United States and Israel.
The story is quite interesting, though, seeing as the BBC is - along with CNN and Al-Jazeera - a "triad" of anti-American and pro-terrorist reporting that is done around the world:
BBC accused of ignorance, bias and stereotyping over coverage of Europe
The BBC was accused yesterday of ignorance, stereotyping and unintentional bias in a damning report on the broadcaster's coverage of Europe.
An independent panel commissioned by the BBC board of governors found no evidence of systematic bias. But it said impartiality had been undermined by "an institutional mindset, a tendency to polarise and over-simplify issues, a measure of ignorance of the European Union on the part of some journalists and a failure to report issues that ought to be reported, perhaps out of a belief they are not sufficiently entertaining".
The panel, led by Lord Wilson, the former cabinet secretary, made 12 recommendations urging better training, appointment of an EU editor and improved monitoring of the publicly-funded broadcaster.
"The BBC's coverage of EU news needs to be improved and to be made demonstrably impartial," said the report's authors.
An internal inquiry was set up by the BBC yesterday to review the findings. It will report back to the corporation's board at the end of next month.
Both BBC executives and governors welcomed the absence of deliberate bias, while claiming several problem-areas were already being addressed following last year's Neil report, set up after the Hutton inquiry also identified editorial short-comings.
In a statement, the governors acknowledged that a Mori poll commissioned for the latest review showed "the BBC is not succeeding in providing basic accessible information on the topic of Europe and urgent action is needed".
Yesterday's study - the first commissioned by the governors without active participation by the BBC's management - is part of an internal shake-up ordered by Michael Grade, the corporation's chairman.
Anti-EU groups welcomed the findings, describing the report as a serious indictment of BBC coverage. Neil O'Brien, campaign director of the Vote No group, said: "This is surprisingly hard-hitting criticism and shows the BBC hasn't got it right on Europe."
UK officials at the European parliament also condemned aspects of BBC coverage. In a submission, Dermot Scott, director of the parliament's UK office, said the BBC "reinforced ignorance" by presenting arguments as if the main issues were about membership of the EU or single currency.
And this is just the BBC's reporting on European issues. A recent report found that since the Hutton Report of a year ago, in which vital errors were made (i.e., "lies") in the reporting up to the invasion of Iraq, the BBC has done nothing to curb its anti-Blairite and anti-Bush coverage.
Has the BBC really learned the broader lessons of the Dr David Kelly affair?
True, the corporation was unfortunate that Lord Hutton chose to act like the Three Wise Monkeys in dealing with the Government's role in the saga while behaving like King Kong in his treatment of the BBC.
Equally, however, the BBC did itself no favours in capitulating so completely and, for a time at least, leaving it to ITN to ask the more difficult questions about the Iraq war.
Despite promises from the new leadership appointed at the BBC following the Kelly affair that lessons would be learned, it seems they have not been.
If you can get the BBC on satellite in the United States, check out their news program one time and see what I mean. They will lead their news program with "today in Iraq, more Americans died and more Iraqis died and the whole place is coming apart..." No word on the terrorists who are perpetrating these outrages; no good news. Oh, and George W. Bush is a demon. For anyone but radical Marxist lunatics, the BBC is a rare insight into why the left will continue to vomitate their defeatist, anti-American and anti-Israel diatribes into our homes.