Monday, January 31, 2005
Judge Rules Guantanamo Bay Detainees Can Challenge Confinement
A U.S. district judge Monday ruled that Guantanamo Bay detainees have rights under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and can therefore challenge their confinement.
Judge Joyce Hens Green said the procedures in the military tribunal review process do not give prisoners access to material evidence and do not allow attorneys to help detainees when the government has refused to disclose classified information.
"The court concludes that the petitioners have stated valid claims under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution and that the procedures implemented by the government to confirm that the petitioners are 'enemy combatants' subject to indefinite detention violate the petitioners' rights to due process of law," Green wrote.
"Of course, it would be far easier for the government to prosecute the war on terrorism if it could imprison all suspected 'enemy combatants' at Guantanamo Bay without having to acknowledge and respect any constitutional rights of detainees," Green said.
Green's ruling pertains to 50 of the more 540 detainees at Guantanamo, who were captured during the 2001 Afghanistan military invasion and other operations in the U.S.-led war on terror. They also include al Qaeda suspects and accused Taliban fighters.
Who is this fool, this idiot, this moron who is making security less safe for Americans?
Well, let's just say that a recent Democrat in the White House (not Clinton) put her on the bench...

Judge Green was appointed United States District Judge for the District of Columbia in May 1979. She was a member of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court from May 1988 until her seven-year term expired in May 1995, and served as its Presiding Judge from May 1990 until the expiration of her term. Judge Green graduated from the University of Maryland, receiving a B.A. in 1949, and the George Washington University Law School, receiving a J.D. in 1951. Judge Green practiced law in the District of Columbia and Virginia until she was appointed Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in 1968, where she served until her appointment to the federal bench in 1979. She is a member of the U.S. Judicial Conference’s Judicial Branch Committee and Chair (1997 - 98), National Conference of Federal Trial Judges. Judge Green took senior status in July 1995.
Hmmm...could her being put on the bench in 1979 mean that "Baghdad Jimmy" Carter put her there? Certainly a Republican wouldn't put such an incredible imbecile in a place where she can ruin America.
Imagine for a moment if, during World War II, some idiotic judge ruled that Nazis captured trying to blow up America had "constitutional rights" and could not be tried by military tribunals.
What would this judge be called? A traitor, that's what. But those Nazis were only saboteurs...they didn't want to hit America with a bomb which could kill hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of Americans.
Write to Judge Green...or, better yet, write to your congressman and Senator. Let them impeach this dipshit and remove her from the bench, as she is clearly trying to make it easier for terrorists to destroy America. We already have Democrats doing that nationwide and on a full-time basis; we don't need the judiciary cooperating in the act.